Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Course Evaluation June 2017

1.What did you like about the course?

I liked that we used Photoshop. I wanted to use it from the start of the course.

2.What could be improved?

We could do another game journalism.

3.Favorite assignment.

4. What should you have done to do better?

I should of worked harder and not gotten as distracted. 

Friday, 12 May 2017

Friday Post May 12- Frame animation

This is what you have when you  add just a heart

Here is the red heart with all the effects

The 2 frames in the timeline

Here is the heart fully ainmated

Friday, 21 April 2017

Minecraft Expresso Machine

Slide show of MC

            Here is my MC slideshow. 

           Here is my MC show

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Game Journalism Day 2

Subsistence was created by Tom Shaw

Here is photo of a tree:
    This tree dropped 4 wood logs. 

Here is a photo of a crate. 
It dropped building supplies 

Here is a photo of a rock

It dropped Iron. 

Here is a photo of a bear

It killed me

Here is a photo of a wolf. 

It also killed me

This is a picture of a rabbit

It is friendly 

Here is a photo of a fiber plant

It dropped fiber. 

Game Journalism Day 5 - Guide

I predict that I will get a base up with a base command unit. I will hopefully not die. I also would hope to get a pickaxe and a shotgun.

  The first night you want to avoid all animals. Animals in this game are deadly and can one shot you if you are on low health. The first thing you want to do is try to get a foundation, wall, base command unit and a storage crate. With these things, you don't have to worry about loosing all of your stuff when you die. When the first night comes, you want to stay on your base (if you have one), with a campfire and plenty of wood. Try to get a bit of food from that day so you wont starve. The next day you should hunt for scrap metal and crates so you can craft a gun. When you have your first shotgun or rifle, you should hunt for bears. Bears can drop good loot and can help you alot. Just remember to not take all of your stuff out of your base. Only the things you need. 

Game Journalism Day 4- I am Dead

Here I die to the coldness

                                                            Here I fall off a cliff and die.

                                 Here I die to a bear

                                        Here I bleed out
                                     Here I die to a wolf

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Game Journalism Day 3 - Build

 Here is a photo of how to craft a campfire. You need 2 sticks and 3 logs.
 Here is how to craft a shotgun. You need 7 scrap metal, 5 wood planks, and 4 cloth.
 Here is a photo of a medkit. You need 4 medical plants and 1 bio fuel. 

Here is a photo of how to craft a storage crate. You need 5 wood plants, 10 nails and 3 cordages. 

Monday, 3 April 2017

Game Journalism Day 1

What are a persons basic needs for life?

      The persons basic needs for life are food, water, and shelter

What is the definition of the title of the game?

    Subsistence means surviving on a bare minimum of what you need. 

Subsistence is a game where you start with an axe, pistol and a flare. You try to survive and avoid the deadly bears and wolves. You have to chop down trees, mine rocks, and find loot crates to survive. 
Heres an example of me finding a loot crate.
This game is a survival game and it compares to rust. 

Early access means its an early game and its still in development. 

Here's a few screenshots of the settings:

Here are some tips for day 1:

Friday, 3 March 2017

Friday post 3/3/2017-The origin of javascript

JavaScript began in 1995 and it was created in 10 days by Brendan Eich. JavaScript's original name was Mocha. In September 1995, it was changed to JavaScript. Then in December the same year, Javascript received trademark license from Sun and the name Javascript was adopted. At this time, Javescript became more popular.